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Pass It On Series

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The First Battle of Armageddon

Seth / Karen Holmes: The polarization that occurs from a Moment of Choice when one stands on the principles and one goes down into the games. The choice is for the creation of the international government.

Armageddon Series 1
(Item #91101)

The Point of No Return

Seth / Karen Holmes: We are now reaching the point of the split in the relationship, where one goes down and the other has to function from his or her own capacity. An event occurs, and it is time to decide whether it is time to go forward to get his life.

Armageddon Series 5
(Item #91105)

The Second Battle of Armageddon

Seth / Karen Holmes: The choice made by one individual to stand on the principles affects others around him or her. The second battle of Armageddon occurs when the people who are financially affected are drawn into the crisis.

Armageddon Series 2 / Pass It On
(Item #91102)

Backed Into the Corner

Seth / Karen Holmes: The ultimate conclusion of the games that are played to get your life is that you are backed into the corner. You have given your life over to something that does not have the capacity to help you. Time to come out of the corner and find a teacher.

Armageddon Series 6
(Item #91106)

The Third Battle of Armageddon

Seth / Karen Holmes: Those who are financially affected by the choice weave a web of deceit to protect their security, but the ultimate conclusion is the sacrifice of those "the witch" has tried to hold under her power.

Armageddon Series 3 / Pass It On
(Item #91103)

A Patch of Heaven

Eight U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq / Karen Holmes: Soldiers tell their stories about what happened to them after they crossed over. Enables families to know they went into the Light, and offers soldiers a sense of protection when they are in harm's way. First of many books.

Pass It On
(Item #91107)

The Fourth Battle of Armageddon

Jesus / Karen Holmes: This battle involves the betrayal and revenge that results when one individual stands on the principles and the others are fighting for their life, those who are now being drawn into the crisis.

Armageddon 4
(Item #91104)

We Are One

Seth / Karen Holmes: There is a saying that when Science reaches the pinnacle of understanding, Religion will already be there. In this book, they meet. Introduces the overview (Rainbow idea) principles of the Unified Field Theory, describing All That Is — God.

Grand Unification / Pass It On
(Item #91108)

Map of Battles of Armageddon

A Little Angel Told Me...

Archangel Michael / Karen Holmes: For people facing the end of life crisis, this is a visit from an angel to help him or her out of the crisis. Three book set, along with the first two books of the Getting Out of the Crisis Series.

Crisis Packet / Pass It On
(Item #91109)

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